
Post Comments and Questions on My Guest Book
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If you wish to reach me for a non-public communication about the stories
my author email address is mrarsimmons@gmail.com
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---AR Simmons
Teddy: I visited your blog. Very impressive work. I live near Poplar Bluff. Keep at it and good luck.
Fiona: Thanks for the feedback and the help.
Beulah: Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed.
DK: There are only so many names. (Note: I changed the name during new edit.)
Reader: Perhaps it was sloth, or perhaps I was too busy writing and had little taste for marketing. Three novels are now published in e-book formats.
Calysta: There were several offered here. In November/December, 2013 another (new one) will be posted here.
Sean: Hawthorn County is found in the geography of the author's imagination.
Jim: Thank you so much. At the time you wrote, I really needed the encouragment.
Al: I always appreciate hearing from you.
Patricia: Thank you so much.
